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The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Membership Website

3 Steps To Membership Site Success In 2022

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Feeling proud of what your biz has accomplished in 2021? If you answered that with a resounding yes then good on you! But you could still make 2022 your best year yet…

No doubt you have some ideas of what will grow your business and increase cash flow, but you might have overlooked one thing.

Excuse me while I pause for dramatic effect…

Your membership site. 

A membership site has some serious benefits to offer you – from increased revenue, an additional income stream and higher profit margins to more client loyalty and more repeat sales. 

So getting it right next year could have a hugely positive impact on your business. 

Adding another stream of income for your biz is going to be a huge win, letting you put more money and time back into the business. 

But not all membership sites go on to be successful. Why not? It’s usually the business owner’s fault. 

This is great news! Because it means you have the power to determine whether your membership is a boom or bust.

But how do you do it? 

Well, in three steps I’ll show you how to have a successful membership site and make 2022 a year to really celebrate.

1: Launch Soon

Honestly, this is where I see businesses experiencing the most delays, and that’s a big mistake. It can be intimidating to create a membership offer, especially if you haven’t already built up an audience.

But you can’t succeed if you don’t launch so you want to get something launched fast! 

The most common mistake people make is thinking they need to have an all singing, all dancing site ready at once. In fact, you don’t need all the bells and whistles when you first launch – let all of that progress naturally over time as your membership site grows.

Just get a minimum viable product done so you have a membership to put out there. Make sure you’ve got enough content ready to stay ahead of members, but don’t try to do everything from the beginning.

If you’re a perfectionist this might be hard, but put your energy into getting a viable site launched as a priority. 

Getting all of this done effectively and done fast can be pretty daunting, I’ll admit. That’s where MemberLab can help you out. Don’t waste time DIYing your way through a membership site launch when we can build it for you. 

To learn more about how to launch successfully, check out my previous blog here… 

2: Have A Marketing Plan

Marketing is such a huge part of a successful membership site.

Having a marketing plan in place that covers your launch process will be the key to kicking off your membership. You can’t expect it to sell itself. 

If you already have a business that you want to add a membership site to, you might be thinking that you won’t have much work to do. But even existing customers need some coaxing if you want them to buy something new. 

My advice is to put the work in now and reap the rewards of recurring income in the future. This means spending some time developing a clear plan and marketing funnel, and putting real creative effort into what your membership will actually offer. If knowing where to start is what’s holding you back, here are some of the most important marketing aspects to look into:

  • Email campaigns (nurturing, sales, follow-up etc)
  • Sales page (this is an essential)
  • Social media (posts will often be the first point of contact)
  • Lead magnets (optins and downloads)

Sounds scary, I know. If you’d rather not DIY your marketing, remember that Memberlab is a complete system; we can support you through marketing too.

3: Know Your Target Market

Surprisingly, this is where I see the most problems. It’s surprising because it seems kind of obvious, so it’s often overlooked.

When it comes to making a membership site that sells, you need to really know your market inside out and upside down. 

People buy with emotions and back up these decisions with logic, so it’s your job to understand them if you want to create a membership that appeals to them specifically. 

Ask yourself these questions about your target market and try to define your ideal subscriber…

What are their hopes and dreams?

What are they struggling with that you can solve?

What practical problems are they having?

What would be valuable information to them?

Create the sales copy that answers these questions and really gets into the mind of your ideal buyer. Tap into the emotional struggle, and then back up your reasoning with logic. Who can argue with that?

So now you know that you need to launch soon, have your basic marketing planned out, and know your target market inside out. With all of that, you have a recipe for a membership site that brings your business reliable income in 2022. 

Don’t want to DIY it? Book a call to find out how we can help you make your membership site a success.

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10 Steps To Creating A successful Membership Website

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The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Membership Website

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