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The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Membership Website

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Running a Membership Website

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A membership website is a business model that requires members to pay a fee to access exclusive content or services. It is an excellent way to monetise your expertise, create a community, and build a sustainable income stream.

However, running a membership website requires more than creating one. It requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a commitment to providing value to your members. But which common mistakes should membership websites avoid?

1. Failure to Implement an Onboarding Experience

An onboarding experience is a process that helps new members understand how to navigate the site, access content, and engage with the community. It is essential to creating a positive experience for new members and increasing retention rates. Failure to implement an onboarding experience can lead to confusion, frustration, and membership cancellations.

Create a welcome page that outlines membership benefits, provides instructions on accessing content, and encourages members to engage with the community. You can also create a welcome video that introduces yourself and the community. Additionally, provide a quick tutorial or a series of guides that help new members get started.

2. Neglecting Existing Members

While focusing on attracting new members is essential, neglecting existing members can harm your membership website. Your existing members are your most valuable asset and should be treated as such. Ignoring them can lead to decreased engagement, cancellations, and more.

Create an engagement plan that engages your existing members, including exclusive content, member-only events, surveys, and polls. Additionally, provide excellent customer service, respond promptly to member inquiries, and take action on member feedback.

3. Not Gamifying Memberships

Gamification is a technique that uses game elements to engage and motivate users. It is an effective way to increase engagement, retention, and loyalty. Not gamifying memberships can lead to decreased engagement and a lack of motivation among members.

To avoid mistakes, consider implementing gamification elements such as badges, points, leaderboards, and challenges. These elements can encourage members to participate more actively and motivate them to achieve their goals.

4. Failure to Produce New Content

Producing new content is essential to keep members engaged and excited about their membership. Failure to create unique content can lead to decreased engagement, cancellations, and negative reviews.

To avoid this mistake, create a content calendar that outlines the types of content you will produce when it is published and who will be responsible for creating it. Additionally, encourage member feedback and suggestions for new content ideas.

5. Not Creating Content Strategies

Creating a content strategy is essential to ensure that your content is aligned with your business goals and resonates with your target audience. Not creating content strategies can lead to poor-quality content, decreased engagement, and missed opportunities.

To avoid this mistake, create a content strategy that outlines the types of content you will produce, the topics you will cover, and the goals you want to achieve. Additionally, create a content creation process that includes research, planning, creation, and promotion.


Running a membership website requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a commitment to providing value to your members. Avoiding the common mistakes discussed in this article can create a positive experience for your members, increase engagement, and build a sustainable income stream. Remember to implement an onboarding experience, engage with existing members, gamify memberships, produce new content, and create content strategies. With these strategies, you can take your membership website to the next level.

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10 Steps To Creating A successful Membership Website

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The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Membership Website

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