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The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Membership Website

Sales Series: The 9 Key Things Every Sales Page Should Have

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A membership site is the best way to bring a residual income into your business. Every new member you gain is an added boost to your bottom line. But your membership site isn’t going to sell itself. 

So, how will you sell it?

Well, just like any other business, you will need a sales funnel. And in a funnel, your sales page is where the magic happens. 

What is a Sales Page?

If you had to guess what a sales page is, the simplest guess would probably be right. It’s the web page where you want to make your sales.

Generally speaking, businesses use a sales page as part of their website and sales funnel as the step for visitors to purchase. The sales page will detail and work hard to sell the product or service being offered, with clear direction to purchase now.

More specifically, your membership site sales page has one goal – to get people to buy your membership.

A good sales page will include everything your visitor needs to know to hit that ‘buy now’ button. 

Why You Absolutely Need One

Membership sites are one of the best ways to earn consistent income for your business, but if you want to reap the benefits then you have to be able to make sales. A membership site without members isn’t much use to anyone… 

Without a good sales page, you might have lead magnets collecting information and email marketing directing your potential leads to your website. Where do they all flow to?

Without the opportunity to fully convince your visitors with a sales page, you’ll ultimately lose out on converting those hard-earned hot leads into membership buyers.

Key Elements of a Good Sales Page

So what makes a good sales page? 

You want a page that describes your membership offering in loving detail, perfectly encapsulating what your potential members want to know, and ultimately selling your offer quickly and efficiently. 

Here’s what an effective, engaging sales page includes:


The first thing that will make or break your sale! You get one shot to capture your visitor’s attention and tell them they are in the right place. Your headline should be short but intriguing. In an ideal world, it will hit on your ideal buyer’s pain point as well as telling them you have a solution… 


Your subheadline allows you to expand on the carrot you dangled in the headline. Connect this to your headline as either an answer or a point of intrigue that will encourage visitors to read on.


Your sales copy should tap into the problem that your ideal buyer is experiencing – that your membership can solve. Make it clear you understand their pain point and show them that you care. 


Provide a solution to the problem you acknowledged. Describe how your membership offering will help with this issue and highlight the positive end result.

Overcome Objections

Every reader will have at least one objection – one reason why they’re not going to buy from you. Your sales page needs to acknowledge this objection, overcoming it so that making the purchase from you becomes a complete no-brainer. 


Video is proven to perform better than images and text alone on sales pages. Record a video that matches up with the style and content of your membership site.


Do you offer a money-back or results guarantee with your membership site subscription? Guarantees can help tip people over the line so they feel “safe” buying from you. 


Social proof is super convincing. By providing testimonials to back up what you’re selling you can increase your sales and bring more members into your business!

CTA- Or Call To Action

The call to action is the step you want people to take next from your sales page. In most cases, it will be “sign up now” or “get instant access now”. Stick one single CTA and scatter them throughout your sales page. 

Mobile Friendly

And of course, most buyers these days are on mobile devices so ensure your content is mobile optimised.

Need a Little Help Creating Your Sales Page? 

Memberlab offers a complete membership solution, with the options to create killer sales pages included. Book a demo call with us to find out how we bring every element of your membership site together.

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10 Steps To Creating A successful Membership Website

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The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Membership Website

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