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The 10 Steps To Creating A Successful Membership Website

5 Reasons Your Membership Site Should Have A Blog

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Confused about how to get traffic to your membership site? Feel disconnected from your potential customers? Got a lot to say? A blog might be the answer for you. 

So, how does a blog help your membership site? 

You’ve probably heard the usual praises sung for blogs. They have a tonne of functions that benefit your business like enticing web traffic organically and connecting with potential members. 

But are blogs really worth it?

Creating blogs that serve their purpose can be tricky and takes time and commitment- but there are plenty of reasons to start one for your membership site.

1: SEO And Traffic

An effective blog is written in a way that will bring in new readers – i.e. potential members. Firstly, your blog should include relevant keywords and keyphrases – that means words linked to your product or service that your ideal readers are using in their Google searches. For example, a dog training membership website would use keywords like ‘dog training’ or ‘dog behaviour’ in their blogs.

Besides the effective targeting that keywords can deliver, just having fresh content uploaded to your site will help Google boost your website ranking because each time you make a change to your content, Google’s bots head over to index your new content.

It’s important to note that Google has started to give better ranking to content that focuses on quality too. If a visitor stays on your blog page for a long time reading or researching, it’ll help you move up the organic listings quicker so you’re more visible to a wider audience. 

2: Educates Potential Members

It’s all about value when it comes to blogs. 

Most of the time people have made their way to your blog page because they’re looking for an answer or advice. How you deliver those things totally depends on your membership style and your industry niche. 

If you are running a fitness instructor membership site, then you might have a blog that educates your readers on whether calorie deficit diets really help with weight loss or not. That’s a big question in that industry, one that relevant readers would love to have answered.

When it gets down to it, your blog is doing something extremely important by delivering  helpful and interesting information, like in the example above. Your blog is building reciprocity – where a person feels like they’ve been given something of value and so they want to do something good back. Ideally, the thing they give back is their membership to your site!

3: Answer FAQs

Ever had to reply to the same question a million times over? Gets pretty boring and repetitive giving out the same info over and over, doesn’t it?

Say hello to the helpful FAQ blog!

The whole point of having a membership site is to build income for your business without putting in as much time as individual sales. So, it makes sense to save time by creating an FAQ blog. Answer all your most frequently asked questions in one clear, comprehensive blog (or even answer one at a time in single posts that go into great detail). 

You can even direct people to this blog when they have a question, on the phone, in links on your website or on email. It’s a massive time-saver and the information stays consistent.

4: Build Relationships

Building a relationship with potential members is a key part of your marketing. Blogs come in super handy here. 

People buy from people they know, like and trust. Letting people know, like and trust your membership site is a lot easier if you give them more opportunities to get to know you. 

Share your personality and expertise to create a sense of connection. Giving value in your blogs serves the same purpose – answer an important question for your readers and they’ll view you as a trustworthy source of information.

5: Overcome Objections

It’s hard to overcome objections without being obvious. That’s why blogs are a particularly smart way to gently answer queries and concerns. 

Blogs can get a message across in a subtle way that doesn’t even feel like addressing an objection. To use the fitness industry example again – perhaps people are worried about the cost of your membership.

A blog post about the importance of having professional support and accountability during weight loss would respond to this concern about value. A blog gives you different ways to engage with common concerns about buying your membership.

Should You Have A Blog?

Absolutely. Blogs don’t just bring in organic (free) web traffic and leads, they also allow you to talk to your ideal members. You can build relationships and trust, while also cleverly addressing questions and concerns.

Blogs are just one of the many useful features we can build into your comprehensive membership site to make it a stimulating and engaging place for your members . Book a call for a demo of the kind of membership site you could build with us.

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